A pre-release draft version of the Session 1 exam timetable (including OUA examinable units) is available for viewing by faculty staff using a read-only link that can be found in the exams office wiki page.

Please check the pre-release exam timetable for:

  1. Missing exams: Ensure all unit exams are listed.
  2. Exam delivery method: online or in-person (on-campus).
  3. Exam duration: The duration listed is the amount of time that students are expected to work on their exam. Note: this duration does not include any technical overhead time for online exams. The standard additional time for technical overhead for online exams is 30 minutes.
  4. If online, check the exam window type, i.e. window vs fixed start time.
  5. If online, the number of offerings.
  6. For all exams: Check text contained in notes column.

Note: this process is not intended to allow for date/time changes. The exam timetable has been finely tuned to avoid clashes.

If something is wrong or missing please email corrections to exams[at]mq.edu.au.
Be sure to specify the unit code / exam to which you are referring.

The deadline to advise exams office of corrections is Friday 23rd April.
The draft timetable will be released to students on 26th April.

Exam preparation timeline reminders

As a reminder, active items on the exam preparation timeline are:

1 April: consider the exam specification form. For ‘online’ exams the form is due 23 April, for in-person (paper) exams the form and exam file is due 3 May.
14 April: the pre-release draft exam timetable is released to UCs/faculties. This needs to be checked and corrections sent to exams office by 23 April.

For those starting to prepare online exams, updated examples are now ready in the ‘iLearn for Convenors‘ unit.

For assistance with examination processes and timelines please contact the MQ central Exams office (contract details are available within each link or document).

Posted by Mathew Hillier

Mathew has been engaged by Macquarie University as an e-Assessment Academic in residence and is available to answer questions by MQ staff. Mathew specialises in Digital Assessment (e-Assessment) in Higher Education. Has held positions as an advisor and academic developer at University of New South Wales, University of Queensland, Monash University and University of Adelaide. He has also held academic teaching roles in areas such as business information systems, multimedia arts and engineering project management. Mathew recently led a half million dollar Federal government funded grant on e-Exams across ten university partners and is co-chair of the international 'Transforming Assessment' webinar series as the e-Assessment special interest group under the Australasian society for computers in learning in tertiary education. He is also an honorary academic University of Canberra.

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